Thursday, March 27, 2008

March 27 homework

Asaid Falah 3/27/08
Advisory 9-2 N.M.T.C.S
African American Studies
The U.S. ConstitutionTimeline Quiz: Fill in the BlanksName (Decloration Of Independence)YearEvent1775Revolutionary War begins. The 13 Colonies revolt against the (British )Declaration of Independence written and approved by the Continental Congress1781Revolutionary (War) ends (the British lose)The Continental Congress agrees on the Articles of Confederation March 1, Continental Congress is replaced by the Congress of the Confederation1783Britain recognizes the independence of the (Republic) (Treaty of Paris)1787US Constitution written at the Constitutional (Document) in Philadelphia, PA [May 25 - Sept. 17]1788US Constitution ratified by 9(27) ; it becomes the supreme law of the USA1789George Washington elected first (President) of the USA March 4, The first Congress met (in New York, NY, then the nation's capital)1790First Supreme (Court) assembled; the Chief Justice was John JayDec., US capital moves to Philadelphia1791The Bill of (rights) (first 10 amendments) added to the Constitution1800US capital moves to (Washington D.C), District of Columbia1802Marbury v. Madison - the first time that the court found that a law was unconstitutional (John Marshall was Chief Justice)1861Abraham Lincoln elected (1863)Civil War begins (Fort Sumter)Civil War ends (Lee surrenders to Grant)Amendment 13 - Slavery abolished Abraham Lincoln assassinated1868Amendment 14 - Rights of citizenship to all people born in the (United States) or naturalized1870Amendment 15 - Gives the right to vote to all citizens, regardless of color or race, but women are not mentioned1913Amendment 16 - Income tax begins1920Amendment 19 - Women's suffrage (women are given the right to vote)1971Amendment 26 - Voting age lowered to (18)1992Amendment 27 - Congressional pay increases go into effect only during the next Congressional session

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Ms valeries homework

Asaid Falah 3/26/08
Advisory 9-2 NMTCS
African American Studies
If I were elected president before slavery was abolished I would probably been beaten by every white person in the world. I would've been killed as soon as I announced my running for candidacy. If I wasn't killed the four issues I would work to resolve would be slavery,segregation,taxes,and the death of the Klu Klux Klan. I would work my hardest to get slavery abolished. I probably wouldn't have thought of making an amendment, but a law of some sort. The law would've stated “any person who has a slave from this point on or mistreats any person of any race religion and class will get a mandatory 40 lashes and will go to federal prison for 3 years”.
Segregation would be easy to rid of. I would have white people respect and get used to black people by having them in the same restaurants,bathrooms etc. They would also live in the same neighborhoods
and schools. This would lead to black people not living in the projects thus leading to black people knowing how to act right and being respected and appreciated by all races.
The other two laws would upset a lot of white people so the klu klux klan would probably rebel to an even further extent. I would hire all black police officers and make all judges black. I would give the officers full permission to kill any person who is a member of this colt known as the K.K.K. The taxes would be a lot lower for all people. I only would give blacks special treatment until we are respected as a people. Once that has happened then all the special laws for blacks would be abolished until further notice.